A Brief Look Into Carlos Giraldo’s Recent Work
BreachTD Skill Editor
During the development of the game, I was given an Excel sheet filled with row after row of skills that were impossible (but cool nonetheless) to realize with the simple system we had up to that point. So I was tasked with designing and implementing a new system, accompanied by a visual editor that would give the designers ample creative space to fill the roster with interesting and unique skills. What I decided to do was break down a skill into effects. Each effect encapsulated an action. The arrangement of these effects are designed to be laid in in a n-tree like pattern, like an effects chain. This way, designers could easily add effects ranging from damage, heal, spawn particles, SFX, etc… New effects can be easily incorporated over time, adding new features and capabilities as they are needed. The skill editor also gives fine-grained control over the targeting and conditions for execution.
Dota Fusions (Dota 2 Mod)
It is a mod for Dota 2 using the alpha tools provided by Valve. Its mainly written in Lua and ActionScript (SWF for custom interface). The mod allows you to combine the abilities of two heroes into one. The mayor difficulties in developing was creating fixes for the various skills that weren’t working properly with other heroes and in some cases, I had to re-build how skills were added to a particular hero. Also, I authored a custom interface in flash for the mod, in the style of the existing interface design of Dota 2.
Card Game Maker Unity3d Plugin (In-developtment)
A Unity3d plugin designed to make it easy and fast to create card games inside Unity3d. Allows for the use of a shared model and texture atlas to reduce draw calls and automatically generate card game objects at run-time. Also provides abstractions when dealing with cards for gameplay like the Scene Deck, Single Card, and Pile objects. Automatic card moving animations and provides abundant flexibility for styling the flips and movements. Designed to accommodate a wide variety of card game styles including traditional 52 deck games and custom card game types. Includes Playmaker actions for working with Card Game Maker.
Defend! : The Trolls Strike Back
Tower defense game originally developed using XNA, Sunburn Engine and C#, and later ported to Unity3D. Worked as gameplay programmer, asset implementator, and designer. Art by Luis Armstrong and special thanks to Tadao Masuyama and Emmanuel Marquez.
Shader Exercises
Surface shaders rendered in Unity3d

Left: Default Unity3d material. Right: Custom SSS shader. Model and textures by Unity Technologies.

Ambient cube shading. Model and normal map by Unity Technologies.

Special FX shader
Lifeline Subsidy Control Service.
- Client : Bluewave Consulting.
- Telecommunications Regulatory Board of Puerto Rico.
A Windows web application developed in ASP.Net using C#. Its main purpose was to serve as a portal for Eligible Telecommunications Companies to manage a certain subset of federally subsidized customers stored in a locally managed database containing several hundred-thousand records of sensitive user information including SSN.
- Extensive security measures including user and IP registration, tracking and segregation.
- Detailed audit trails tracking user activity and database transactions.
- Different user security levels restricting and enabling access to administrative pages and others.
- Scheduler for setting up and executing specialized stored procedures and generating reports for each task.
- Write, edit, and stylize Email templates.
- Localization support for English and Spanish.

- Client : NextStep Consulting Services,
- Department of Housing of Puerto Rico.
Implement a windows application for the purpose of managing a certain subset of government subsidized mortgages. The application was programmed in C#, built on Windows Forms, relied on a Microsoft SQL database, and uses ReportViewer and Office.Interop with Word for generating mail.
- Create and edit mortgage records.
- Display amortization and payment plan tables with flexible input options.
- Manage payments and adjustments for individual mortgages.
- Generate a variety of reports that can be exported to Excel or easily printed.
- Mass Generate individual mailing letters using data from a SQL database and Microsoft Word template files. Tracks a customers payment data and automatically selects the appropriate template files.
Graduation Portfolio : Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale.
- Sci-fi Bike was modeled in 3ds Max. Rendered in Keyshot.
- Well was modeled in 3ds Max and Zbrush. Rendered in 3ds Max.
- Sci-fi Gun was modeled and rendered in 3ds Max.
- Sci-fi Helmet was modeled and rendered in 3ds Max.
- Tower was modeled in 3ds Max. Surface details were sculpted in Zbrush and Mudbox. Textured in Photoshop, Zbrush and Mudbox. Assets were imported and rendered in Unreal engine (UDK).
- Mishap 2 : An Intentional Haunting.
- Developed By Virtual Prophecy Entertainment.
- Published by Bandai Namco
Sound design, music composition, and image compositing. Created over 200 individual SFX, 7 musical tracks, full audio for 3 different animated cut-scenes, over 2 dozen animated comic panels, edited hundreds of voice-over takes, and composited over 800 images in Photoshop for use in-game.
VFX exercise done in After Effects using Trapcode’s Particular plugin.